Vocal Power Training

A step-by-step guide and tips to unleash your powerful voice.

Take a look at some singing tips to enhance your voice

Take a look at some tips that can assist you in making the most of your singing lessons: - Identify a qualified teacher.Find a vocal coach or teacher who has experience and has been rated positively. It can be valuable to have personal recommendations. - Warm up before every lesson.Your vocal cords need a warm-up, just as you do with any physical activity. Prepare your voice for the...

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New Year vocal resolutions !!

Have you ever thought about your voice resolutions in 2023? Have you taken any singing lessons yet? The start of January is always an excellent opportunity to create a new mindset, new energy and new goals. It’s like, “Okay, I can do better than last year” or “I can just carry on what I started last year”. During this time, many of us have feelings such as: fresh start, desire to...

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